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Welcome to my Makeup Journey

Hi, well I have finally done it. Yep, this is my first real blog post. I hope one of many. This year has been a big year for me finally deciding that I want to take my love of Makeup further and I started a new course: Master Makeup Artistry course.

After starting with SeneGence as a Independent Distributor, I started realising that passion come back in looking after my skin as well as start to be creative again.

I used to always love make up from my very early years when I used to watch Michael Jackson's Thriller, the making of that movie was watched more than the music video as I love watching the makeup artists create their magic.

So that was my first little glimpse into this industry. One and off through my life I have been drawn back into this area, even working in a cosmetic shop where I got to wear and test the makeup each day, which was pretty good but it wasn't of the best quality so I didn't stay there long as I don't like trying to make people buy products that I know isn't the best to wear and could cause reactions in different people due to the cheap quality. Anyway I moved into Graphic Design for a while and that is where I have been up until I had my two girls.

After Jasmine and Hayley came along I was a full time mum, day in and day out and a wife.

So all my makeup and other products went out the window as all I could think about was my girls and my family.

I was very lucky as after my second little girl, my husband got me a MAC makeover session, yes that was fun. I think I ended up spending a couple hours with the girl there while she did my makeup, I was talking about how I used to do my makeup but don't have the time any more. I came away from that makeup session FULLY BUZZED. I was excited, energetic, Inspired, I couldn't believe just those couple hours away talking and playing with makeup, I would feel such a sense of my old self, i realised that it was makeup which I wanted to delve into next.

That's when SeneGence came into my life, at the very right time. I tried the Fly Girl LipSense and loved it, I got to wear it for my wedding and it lasted all day and night, till I took it off before bed.

It didn't take me long to join with the company as a distributor as if I am going to be a makeup artist I want to use amazing products that make people feel truely amazing. By joining I get a discount which will help me stock my makeup kit for jobs and hey, I love makeup and I can never have enough.

As my skills and knowledge had disappeared from not practicing for so long, I decided to do the makeup course and that now gets me to this current time.

I'm loving what I am doing, I'm a mum, I stay at home with my girls while I study Makeup Artistry and I sell makeup and skin care products. I even get to wear them all too, which is a fabulous bonus.

I hope you join me on my journey. I will be posting my previous makeovers and other experiences I have had in the coming posts.

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